What a gorgeous day!!! and it's suppose to continue through next week (which is good because we have a play date scheduled for Wednesday at the local park)! We just got home from our morning out about an hour and a half ago. I felt bad putting Greyson down for a nap because it is so nice out that I wanted to let him play on the deck, but I know he isn't feeling 100% so I know he needs his nap. I am doing laundry today because it is so nice out! That statement probably sounds weird to you...why would I do house work when it is soooo nice out? The answer: because our laundry room is off the deck so I have to go outside to get to it. Plus I can leave the door open and hearing when the washer and dryer are finished...I don't have to guess. Hopefully it is still nice when Greyson gets up so he can enjoy some of this nice weather. Then when the sun starts to go down we will head to Walmart to pick up my frames (yes, they came in, now I can hang up two more pictures - completing one set of my "scrapbooking" project). Anyway, back to the gorgeous day! It must be getting nice because the lizards are coming out (yes, I know lizard is a general term, but I don't know what kind they are). When we got home and were walking up the steps there was a lizard hanging out by the door. Of course I had my camera (I was hoping to take pictures at the festival) so I snapped a few shots. They hang out on our front porch all the time...but this was the first time that I "caught" one. Now it knows that we won't hurt it, so maybe we'll be picking it up more often...it is so cute!!! The pictures are kinda out of order.
Greyson is all about the lizard.
He was so excited!
I caught it.
You're awful gutsy! I think I'd be freakin'- I don't like creepy crawlies : ) Isn't it so nice to get out?! I took Abs out on the deck and took a bunch of pics, I'm loading them now, so take a look in a bit. The sun is gorgeous and it's like, mid 40's. That's probably cold for you, but it's fab compared to what we're used to!