So yesterday I posted a blog (which is now deleted because I just didn't like it - bummer, cuz Jen commented on it...she'll have to re-comment on this one) letting everyone know that my lilies have started to bloom. I also talked about how, the roses were already wilting (which was surprising because past bouquets lasted at least a week) so I removed them, and they are currently drying. At this same time I noticed that some of the lilies weren't looking to good either...well, after looking a little closer I realized that there was no water! Geeze, did I expect these flowers to survive on admiration alone? So I filled up the vase and today they are perky, and oh so very happy. So happy that two more buds have opened! Ah, it smells wonderful!
Before realizing the flowers were thristy...
Ha, even better... I love 'em! I can't wait for spring!!!!!