So I'll paraphrase all the pictures.
What a beautiful day it was! We enjoy playing outside. Throwing the football, climbing "buildings," blowing dandilion seeds, killing trolls, and climbing fences. Such a boy! Then it was time for dinner. Greyson wanted meatloaf and tator tots. Then he decided that he wanted to be difficult the whole time and it took like FOREVER for him to eat! Follow that with a computer that wouldn't cooperate and ugh! I thought the night was going down the toilet...but then the computer decided as long as I only called one person at a time it would cooperate, and Greyson decided to eat his dinner and then it was time for presents. He got play kitchen from his Grama Carol and Grampi, Aunt Jen and her family, Aunt Jess and hers, and Aunt Whit and hers; and Clayton is currently putting the kitchen together (I'll be posting pics later). He got a Super Why cape and mask and Why writer! He was very excited! Thanks Auntie Kim and Uncle Jeff. He received a cool book from his Grandpa Greg and a gift card from Grandma Cris and Poppy. From us he got some shirts, a dump truck filled with beach toys, and a truck dvd. I'd have to say it turned out to be a great night. :)
My baby boy is three! How time flies.
Greyson's present from his Grandpa Greg
A book about Reptiles - Awesome!
It came with a magnifying glass - it doesn't work outside, only with the book, we tried.
Daddy is teaching Greyson how to throw football.
Taking a break to blow dandilion seeds into the air.
Time to climb the "building." He's so adventurous!
love the climbing/adventurous pictures. precious shots of him blowing the dandylions, hard to believe he 3 and so big already...lots of hug and kiss