Today I had a birthday party for Greyson. It turned into more of a play date because it was just two other boys, but it was still fun (hopefully). Greyson mostly played by himself, which is fine - he is still in the parallel play stage. Kyle and Jared played together, and Greyson just observed. He might have been overwhelmed by there rambunctious brotherly play...I think Greyson needs someone to play with so he's prepared for these situations, don't you agree? ;o) Anyway, it was a nice time. I enjoyed talking with Sheri-Lynne - I don't think we've had many opportunities to talk, she's so busy at the MOPS meetings. :o) Anyway, so it was a good day. Now only 8 hours until we pick Whitney up from the airport...I'm getting excited!!!
His choice.
good times, happy days! see ya guys look soo cute....good luck packing!! We will miss you!!